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Avatar sinds: 2007-01-15
Age: 35
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"I know what i did wrong last time, its a mistake any deranged half wit coulda made"

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Nikis Bitching time! hey there im Niki...im not sane, Stupid or in many cases Sober...that was a hint of sarcasm thrown in there..a MUST if your going to take the time from your busy busy life and talk to me...for most of the kiddy fiddlers that means lying about your life and every on in it to me and make no mistake. if i can call you out on one of your lies then i will ^^...fantastic.. to bad im not interested. When talking to me..please use correct spelling i mean none of that "u mke me reli horni" please..i can do with out it if im taking the tim eto talk to you you can atleast take the time to Spell properly..im the type of person who LIKES having a conversation that doesnt include Cyber =D now...the most amusing thing that i have noticed on here is that when a woman talks about guys being Jerks (women we are good at it BE PROUD) the man will instantly say "im not like most guys" but most guys will say that..so if ya think about it by saying that little line you have just proved to me you are most guys...which is not a bad thing at all! alot of guys on here are actully pretty nice...and quite sweet but of course there are creapy old guys wanting to rape and murder a little teenaged girl...to these men i say do the world a favour and kill yourself (not meaning to bring the rate of suicide up or anything) and that goes for all the depressed little emo bitches out there grow up and get a life..we ALL have something wrong with our lives...if we didnt would we really be on imvu in the first place? ahh thats enough of my bitching...sleepy time for this happy lil vegimite..not so much sleep deprived as Clinicly insane but hey watching me think on my feet is equivelent of watching a whale knit...not that im on my feet...or would know what a whale knitting looks like...oh god ive gone crosseyed Bye...i swear ill read this back to myself tomorow and be like....wtf was i on anyways bye bye
{K} Black Layered Minispacerspacerspacerspacer
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