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Click the play button below for some lovely ambience while you stalk my profile.
Name: Balthazar Faust
Age: 10,545 est.
Race: Balor Lord
Height (Glamour Active): 6ft1in
Height (Actual): 12ft4in
Weight(Glamour Active): 245lbs
Weight(Actual): 4,658lbs
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Eye color: No matter what form he takes the eyes of Faust are the color of burning coals ever-changing but always reminiscent of a blazing fire

Abilities: Essence Magic, Teleportation(Hampered), Flaming Aura, Advanced Swordsmanship, Conjure Flame Whip, Resistance to mundane damage from normal weapons, and cold/lightning damage, Immunity to Fire and Poison, Truesight, Telepathy(Hampered).

Description (Glamour): Faust in his glamour takes on the appearance of what he thinks is an attractive crimson furred humanoid fox male wearing a bright red sport coat over a black dress shirt, and either a bow tie or regular straight tie. His facial feature can be described as handsome to some with a courtly and poised manner about his person at most times, the form of a burning crown seeming to be a hallucination floating above his brow. Gentle and fun-loving this form is the most basic state one will find the fiend lord in, oftentimes wearing a bemused grin as he takes in his surroundings.

Description (Natural): Faust in his natural form is a monstrous Balor of legend, fur no longer clinging to his body to be replaced by dark red skin covering a hulking mass of muscle and armor made of an unknown hellish material, a blazing inferno atop his head forming the mighty crown’s true form, sharp rows of dagger-like teeth lining the inside of his mouth, accompanied by a forked tongue, on his back the leathery wings capable of rapid flight, the terrifying presence always accompanied by the smell of brimstone and ash, a hazy field of heat surrounding him at all times

Description (Personality): After his fall Faust was remade into an image of aristocracy, with a typically courtly manner and gentleness about him it would be hard to believe him once the brutish general fighting in many a meaningless conflict, this is not to say he is opposed to conflict if it is purposeful. He is drawn to those on a mission of importance either perceived by himself or the individual. A residual instinct to fulfill contract work or requests draws him to these people, especially if the purpose is aligned with a good morality. Though he holds a distaste for the contracts of old requiring a payment he considered too steep.


This amazing woman found me when I was so lost with no direction, she is beautiful and kind, the kind of woman that comes but once in a lifetime. I ask myself every day how I could have been so lucky as to have such a blessed being in my life.
Mijn standen
friendly Vrienden 54
visitors Bezoekers 115
kharma Cadeaus 437
generosity Gulheid 3398
