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Avatar sinds: 2007-10-29
Leeftijd: 29
Verenigde Staten - IL
Laatst ingelogd op:

"When life gives you lemons use them to squirt lemon juice in the eyes of your enemies^-^"

Bekijk Mijn Albums (1)

H! I'm Mar!ah(for some reason my fr!ends from skool call me Taco O.O don't really kno why), I'm 15 and I l!ve !n Ch!cago.I am Black and A little Nat!ve American(Me Great Grammy was a Choctaw Indian from M!ss!ss!pp!). I Love Anime and I love mak!ng frr!ends that watch !t. I'm all about A!r Gear,Inuaysha,Death Note,Detect!ve Conan(Case Closed), and recently One Piece (thanks to !Suff!e XDDD) there's a bunch of other stuff too just can't remember right now. On a d!fferent note I am a very s!mple person and it dosen't take much to make me happy. I'm k!nda a tom boy( I HATE wearing a dress and most times i'm in my pajamas or jeans, a T-Sh!rt, and sneakers) but I DON'T l!ke girls(not that there's anyth!ng wrong w!th them I mean I'm a girl XDDDD). I don't pa!nt my nails, and I don't wear jewelry often, and I don't arch my eyebrows(and man are they th!ck my mom !s always teas!ng me XP). In other words i'm not perfect but no one !s, all I want !s for you to PLEASE say someth!ng nice or don't say !t at all. THANKS FOR STOPPIN BY, HyperMedication Photobucket
Relatie Status: Alleenstaand
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My DoGgY SuMmEr: ShE !s My BeStEsT FrE!nD aNd I hOpE to MaKe MoRe So lEaVe me A MeSsAgE I LiKe PeOpLe MoSt TiMeS ^-^ Photobucket
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