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Avatar sinds: 2005-10-17
Age: 40
Verenigd Koninkrijk
Laatst ingelogd op:

"Howdy Doody Ya'll"

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Relatie Status: In een relatie
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I'm like any other girl.

I like to laugh, smile & have fun. Who doesn't though?

I spend a lot of time playing around with my profile - I get so bored that I get the urge to change it all the time. One of those things I suppose.

I come from a town called Gillingham which is in Kent - it's a bit of a shit hole but then you wouldn't think that if you only visited for a few days. For the first few days when I lived here I thought "Great, lovely!" then I realised - same shit different place. Some people say that Kent is the "Garden of England" well I can tell you something now - I can count about 40 flowers in our end 'cos the bastards keep digging it up to build more houses.

I'm a good laugh when I'm with my friends - although my humour seems to be more dark based, most of my jokes relate to death of some kind. But I'm not a weirdo - I just find death funny. One of those things I guess, most people are scared of it but I'm not - when my time comes it comes. Nothing I or anyone else can do about it, so get over it. Only two things in this World are certain after your born: Tax & Death. We all know it's coming so there you have it.

I'm a great believer in fate. Everything happens for a reason which some say throws 'free will' out of the window but who cares? We don't have much free will anyway if you think about it. There's always some law to stop you doing this that and the other. Fuck em. Fuck authority - bastards - what gives them the right if we're supposed to have free will? Bollocks is what it all is, complete bollocks.

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