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Avatar sinds: 2006-09-10
Leeftijd: 31
Verenigd Koninkrijk
Laatst ingelogd op:

"There are people in this life we'll never forget :)"

Bekijk Mijn Albums (1)

Relatie Status: Alleenstaand
Op zoek naar: Vriendschap
Mijn verlanglijst
Hunger Tears:ma: CHRISTMAS BUNDLE[BR] Sweet |SweaterRED SHOES[DB] Francesca: Black
*Qa* BELLUM *P*Mini Sexy White Dresses!BS! SeCreT !W!Haunted HouseKeroppi.
Beige Shirt leop!Keala Outfit :Dark Grayspacerspacerspacer
Speciale persoon
KiwiFrube heeft geen speciaal iemand.

Oh.My.GOD I LOVE THIS DUDE TO PIECES!!!! Seriously, truely, madly, honestly LOVE HIM!!! He is the best friend I never knew I could find! He is uberly awesome, always makes me happy, is always honest with me (I think o.0) and I can talk to him about ANYTHING!! He can help me with any problem I give him, is my shoulder to lean on when things get too heavy and just THINKING about him can cheer me up a bunch o.0 I could spend my whole life without a boyfriend and be happy just knowing I always have my ickle Maxy to talk to :) LOVE YHOO MAXWORTH!!!! *huggles cuddles snuggles and kisses* ^^'
I haven't got much to say about Jer Bear except that he is awesome, cool and also like a big brother ^^ He is super fun in groups as well :3 Much love to the DragCat ;) *glomps*
Mwhahaha!! The guy that reminds me of my brother >.< lol Jonas is just so awsome. Although he's abig butt head... he's my butt head :D It is true. Without him and Max, my imvu life would be pretty dull ¬¬ lol Such a sad fact... but really, really true. Sorry girls, he's taken by his lovely girlfriend. I know, I cried when I found out too... JOKES! lol He's like... my big brother... EW!! xP
:O Lady!!! My almost forgotten -because I hash not spoken to you in an age- Aunt!! She is teh uberness!! She is fun to talk to, super friendly and awesomely generous (she helped my eggs on dragcave.net to hatch!! I owe her oodles! ^^). If you ever are looking for a wonderful new person to meet, send her a message! She has time for anyone :)

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