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Avatar sinds: 2007-06-17
Age: 57 18+ leeftijd bevestigd Leeftijd Gecontroleerd
Verenigde Staten - MO
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"Get to know me before you judge me!!!"

Bekijk Mijn Albums (7)

Finding the real me!!!

Well, sometimes we all need a breather. Sometimes things happen and you just need to step back and breath. I took a few days to reflect on things that have happened recently in my life.
Real life issues creeping up on me.... Relationships here on IMVU and just the self realization that I was feeling overwhelmed with it all. I'm not changing for anybody. I am who I am and I am here to please me. This is what I had to realize. And now I do. I am an honest, caring individual that loves people. I love all kinds of people. Sometimes I love too much. Love causes pain sometimes... but, if it didn't hurt once in a while... then it wasn't true love. Those of you that know me at all, should know by now... if I say something, I mean it. If you have ever been told by me that you are loved, that you are cared for or you are special in any kind of way to me... I meant it! And if you can't handle being loved or cared for, I guess you better let me know now... or learn to deal with it!

For those that do not know me but may wish to... Please...
If you want to chat, please send a message first! Sending a message also gives me the chance to read your page and find out a little about you.
If you do send a message, don't ask age, sex and location! It only means that you didn't read my homepage!
And if you didn't read it.., well... I'd say you aren't really that interested in getting to know the real me!

I am NOT interested in relationships with men!!! So please quit asking! I don't have a problem with male "friends", but nothing further.
Please show respect when talking with me.
Oh..., And I really don't like beggers! If you are a friend you won't ask, and if I decide I want to give a gift, then I will...
but don't beg. It's so degrading!


Relatie Status: Alleenstaand
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I am no longer doing custom stickers on IMVU. If I submit a sticker and I can't even buy it for myself because of this "PEER REVIEW" then I will no longer build their inventory and aid their revenue with my credits for submissions! IMVU can take their "PEER REVIEW" and cram it!!!
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Thank you and have a lovely day.
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