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Avatar sinds: 2008-03-20
Verenigde Staten - AZ
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"im evie(:"

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Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know something, just cus' your probably very confused. Yep, this is EVIE. Not Nicky, or whoever was telling I was "dead". It is ALL a lie and I'll tell you how this little interesting lie happened: So about in September, I went on my computer and it just WONT log on! Which is so strange, because I am positive that I knew my password. So then, all my friends kept telling me how theres some weird girl on my account telling everyone im dead. I could not log on at all for about 7 months and then finally yesterday, after having my friends send a zillion messages to imvu telling them about my current situation, I had one reply just a day ago saying that "helisco1G" hacked onto my account. I dont know why, I dont know how, but I do know that im alive, on imvu, and ready to rumble >.< MY SUPER SPRING BASH IS ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14 AT 12:00 PM and almost whole day!! ANYONE INVITED, LET ME KNOW IF YOU CAN COME!!!!! lets chat it up xD

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