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Phrex heeft geen speciaal iemand.
Hey, whoever you are :)
Feel free to click around.BUT I QUIT ALREADY
- respect my thoughts and opinions. Don't shoot me with your anger, buddy. Stop wasting your time.
- leave me message; I don't force you, though.
- msG m3 LyK t!s. Please type like a normal person. Lastly, enjoy!

exouhexouh, Amber.

As you all are aware, my name is Amber. Not Phrex. Phrex is a name I created by myself. no stealing, biotch.
Okie dokie, I am ** years old. You have to figure up that by yourself, dudes.
I have a HUGE obsession with music. Yeah, not singing and stuffs. yucks D: Currently I am now taking diploma in music. Yay!
I am really friendly. I don't chat privately though. Stalk me in public rooms. And please don't offer me your cellphone number. absofuckinglutely gross!
I am a vegan, yey to that :D
I am also currently learning foreign language.

You guys are like my four leaves clover; hard to find, but lucky to have.

Friends are kisses blown to us by angels. - quoted.

I support;
Bob, my first love. Credit goes to Karys. TY :D
Family and friends; for sure c;
Q: Can you give me your MSN?
A: Shh, message me.
Q: Add me :D
A: No :D
Q: Why don't you reply my message? D:
A: It's either, 1) I don't like your message/language written or, 2) You only allowed your buddies to message you.
Q: It's my birthday!
A: Yay, I don't know!
Q: cAn yUhH bUYy m3 g!ft$?
Any questions? Ask me on my formspring :D
[06/14/10]I QUIT. NO MORE IMVU
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