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"Hey Voldemort!
What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?
Would you kill a baby...
that's right you can't......"


Hello, I'm SourKeys.

I'm a pretty friendly person when it comes down to it. I enjoy the small things in life, like cookies and milk. I currently reside in Canada, and no, I do not live in an igloo nor do I own a polar bear. I've recently been on an extremely extended hiatus, and I think I'm ready to come back to the community to meet some new people and make some new friends.

I spend a lot of my time managing a shoe store (what girl doesn't LOVE shoes?). My free time is pretty much dedicated to making my business work, but on those off days where I get the chance to sit down on the couch, I like to pop in here and see how things are going.

Some more random things about me? I want to document all the big happenings in my life, with photography and writing so that when my kids are my age, they can look back and see that I was a kid once too. I want to see the world. I want to travel to Greece, Italy, Brazil, England and Scotland to name a few. I want to see how much the world has changed when I turn 40. One of my biggest fears of growing older is forgetting. I don't want to wake up one day and forget my name. I never want to fall out of the loop.

|| I am a complete contradiction of my mother. || One day, I want to go skydiving. || I Enjoy small thrills such as test driving sexy new cars. || I enjoy when people admire the fact that I am alive. || I laugh inside when people think I'm normal, after they have heard all the things I've gone through. || It makes me smile when people tell me I'm mature for my age. || One day, I want to have babies. I'd like a girl, and I think I would name her Alexsandra. || I am way too passionate about shoe shopping. || I'm a simple girl, with simple needs, even though I dream big. || One day, I want to learn the dying art of pinstriping. || Chip Foose is one of my idols. || I hate snow. || I only have a few friends, and I like it that way. || I believe that everyone has their secrets. || I suggest you try walking around naked in your living room. || Fate exists. || Karma is really a bitch. || I believe that if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself. ||

Developers I Support

Aleteris Ange ClearWing
Lollirot Lox VitaminCi
Sad Poe VisNova Smexy
CorpseDolly Kimi Jaguaranni
Sinderella Clarity Lumina Pop Regnarts
Mijn vrienden (21)

My Recent Visitors (0)
Speciale persoon
cookie. I always hate writing things about people because I never really know what to say. Firstly, I want to thank you for staying up late with me, listening to what I have to say, and being a douche.

I'll admit that sometimes I have stayed up late because I worried about you. I'll admit that without your constant nagging, I'd probably still be stuck in the same routine I was in. I'll admit that I own your ass at halo.

You are probably my best male-type friend I have.

I enjoy how you say you're "off to bed" and then thirty minutes later you leave.

P.s roar: =[

Mijn verlanglijst
*0123* Purple Floral[i] Holli V1K|RL*BlueGoldBikini♥ StayWild Swim - LVxM Emerald Jean M
24K Diamond Snake Choker|S| Olive Love Heels|S| WallFlower|S| Allison B RainbowSSf~ Kera F Hair V1
E' Betsy Rainbow[IH] Bring on the Night[IH] Lit Keys[IH] Always Lit[IH] Lit  Winter
TF. Glow apartmentsAp. Little ParadiselQPl Neon Basement1K Night Small IslandMidnight Lights

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