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Emi meh one n only Emi i fucking love yew
sis yewr the best wat can i do with out yew
yew have been with meh in the gewd times
n bad time i hope i never loose yew sis
yewr my fucking world :D ily emi

This person is my serial stalker they love 2 b in my page :D
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Fucking stalkers!
Over mij
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Avatar since: 18-06-2008

Age: 30
United States - NY
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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships
Haii Beotches This is Emily doing my bros's Page :D
Travis is 15 Yrs. Old big for his age lolz :D
His B-Day is on October 30th w0o0 :D
He loves his Friends n Family
Hes a real pain in the ass when he gets in accidents >_<
Hes a real awesome guy n loves everything in his life
He loves to skatebored n to sing
He's A Really Random Person
He Loves All Kinds Of Animals Make Fun Of Them Makes Travis Sad :P
He loves his imvu family Example > Sammi,Laney,Austin,Meh,Meg,n much much more XD
Thats everything ima say about him n if chu want info bout mi bro add Him n if chu wanna knoe about me add me im iChibiVampire :D IFLY BRO :D

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