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Avatar sinds: 04-08-2006

Leeftijd: 38
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Pleaz save my broken heart ... !!!!!
Hey.I'm Steph.I'm 20.I live in Quebec. I speak french, but my english is not so bad.They say I'm an emo girl.I LOVE emo guys.I love to meet new people.I love music. I hate players. Please leave me a message. Anything, just to say you care.You can buy me a gift.I really appreciate that. Don't ask me to buy you one.If I want to, I will do it.I am single.And I hate it.I don't care about what people think.I won't judge you.Please add me as your buddy.I want to meet emo people.Not only emo but that's what I prefer. Boys AND girls.
Mijn verlanglijst
I love to buy gifts to people.And I also like to receive some. Don't ask me to buy one to you.If you're nice with me, I'll surely buy you one. Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons Myspace Icons
Shorts W/ Brat LeggingsSC - Checkered SneakersLilPunkette BikiniBundleTanya Dress RoyaleAnn0820 ALICE Bundle
Tairrie-Long U-WildPinkEdward Scissors (anim)Darque Huggiz - D PurpleJeanne - Dressspacer
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I don't talk to the majority of this people. And it makes me sad. If I add you as a buddy, it's because I think you're soo hot.And that I absolutely want to talk to you.So leave me a message.I'm really shy. But I reply to ALL the messages I receive.
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Thanks to you all to visit my page. Please leave me a message. And you can also add me as your buddy.I can't wait to know new people.
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kharma Cadeaus 3
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Here a little more about me...
All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?::Stephanie
Middle name?::----
Like your name?::I don't dislike it....
Named after anyone?::Stephanie de Monaco........really strange but...
Any nicknames?::Steph...pleaz find me one!
Birthdate?::august 7
Time you were born?::12h12
Current location?::quebec
Like your height?::it's ok
Eye color?::brown
Hair color?::black
Natural hair color?::dark brown
Dye your hair often?::yep
Righty or lefty?::righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?::emo/punk
Band or singer?::Silverstein
TV show?::CSI and Nip/Tuck
Movie?::Edward Scissorhand
TV channel?::M+ and Series+
Radio station?::CHOI
Place to be?::In my car
Thing to do?::Anything with my friends
Non alcoholic drink?::Milk
Alcoholic drink?::Blue Lagoon
Animal?::Killer whale
Holiday?::Christmas and Valentine Day (when I'm not alone)
Sport?::training..it's that a sport??!!??
Place to shop?::Simons
Clothing brand?::Volcom
Scent?::Clinique Happy / Swiss Army perfume
Restaurant?::Café Conti
Fast food restaurant?::Subway
Pizza topping?::Pineapple
Ice cream flavor?::cookie
Magazine?::Star System
Color?::Dark purple
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?::Chocolate
Pepsi or coke?::beuuuurrrr
Hot or cold?::hot
Black or white?::black
Dog or cat?::dog!!!
French toast or pancakes?::pancakes
French fries or onion rings?::french fries
Hamburger or hot dog?::hot dog
Pepperoni or sausage?::pepperoni
Britney or Christina?::keven federline!!!!!!!! :P:P
McDonalds or Burger King?::McDonalds
50 Cent or Eminem?::I got no answer for this one!
Canada or Mexico?::canada
Hug or kiss?::hugsssssss :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Movies or TV?::TV
Truth or dare?::truth
Do you...
Shower daily?::yep of course
Sing in the shower?::sometimes..Little Mermaid's songs
Like to sing?::yep..but the other people dont like me to sing i think
Like to dance?::yep
Smoke?::i stopped
Talk to yourself?::yep
Believe in yourself?::absolutely
Play an instrument?::i was playing drums
Go to school?::yep
Go to college?::yep
Have a job?::yep, in a club and in an lawyer office
Like your job?::really!
Want to get married?::yes!
Want to have kids?::yes!
Get along with your parents?::yep, since a live alone
Get along with your siblings?::yep
Drive?::yes, my black Cobalt
Do you think you're trustworthy?::yes
Think your funny?::yes
Ever toilet papered someones house?::no! but i wish i would have done that....
Gone garbage can tipping?::nope
What are your parents names?::jacinthe et jocelyn
Siblings names?::Mme....Mme....I dont know but she really like my doggie!
Do you wash your hands frequently?::10000 times a day
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?::3
Collect anything?::humm....Nightmare before christmas things
Ever been in love?::too many times
In love right now?::nope :(
What color pants are you wearing right now?::black
How does your hair look?::really emo, like everyday!
Ever had your heartbroken?::ohh shit yes!
Ever broken the law?::yep
Been arrested?::yep
Been out of the country?::yep mannny times
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?::Humm let me try......... Nope!
When was the last time you got drunk?::maybe 2 months ago
Do you do drugs?::yep
When was the last time you were high on anything?::2 days ago
Do you prefer the lights on or off?::lights on but not too much
Would you ever get plastic surgery?::maybe but i dont think so
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?::boxxxers
Do you like to laugh?::it's the thing i love the most
Ever had a bloody nose?::nope!
Have you ever caught a fish?::yesssssss!
What was the last thing you ate?::froot loops
What time do you go to bed?::too early..or too late
What's your favorite color?::i already answer to that!
Do you like to give or recieve?::i prefer to give
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?::make-up, my dog, music, emo boys, love
Do you live alone?::with my doggie that's all
Do you own a blender?::no but I have a Magic Bullet :P
Do you like the snow?::yes but not when i'm walking outside and falling or driving
Ever been up a mountain?::yep
Ever been rootin'?::haha i dont know what that means (dont speak english really well)
Do you like surprises?::omg yessss!
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