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....... 1. NO BegGars (Ask Me to GIVE u CreditS or Buy u AnyThing), HateRs,
LiaRs, FaKes & HaTe MaiLs.ActuaLLy, Chain MaiLs are ForbidDen But If u Want.
u Can SenD TheM. InFact, It WiLL be mY pLeaSure To REPORT U
....... 2. Pls Do nOT BoTher Me tO Add u. if u will DeleTe me.
....... 3. im SomeWhat aGainst DaTing
on The InterNet.
....... 4. i pLan to maKe my BudDies LisT
ShorTer........................................................... so iF we NeVer talk
fOr aWhiLe or u Weren'T Keep ................................................................
cOntact wiTh Me, i Will DeleTe u. i OnLy KeeP FrienDs & ................................................................. pp wHo i taLk or ConTact VerY oFten............................
....... 5. i Tend tO b DND a LoT bcUz i RareLy Chat wiTh.......................................................
PeoPle AnymOre unLesS it's wiTh mY BudDies..............
....... 7. i CheCk MeSsaGes aLmosT Everyday SoOoo FeeL FreE tO Drop Me a MessaGe or Two, i Love Hearing From U Guys ;)
....... 8. i ve Been Very BuSy LateLy In My ReaL Life so i MaY nOt Have LoTs of TimE to cHat With u aLL LoveLy FreaKs. But i aLways GLAD to TaLk wiTh u Via MesSage.
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