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Avatar sinds: 2007-08-11
Verenigde Staten - TX
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"\"Please wrap me in your arms and call me your princess.\""

Bekijk Mijn Albums (1)

HaY Peoplezz :DD

Names PICKELS betch!

Yes, im 15, and yes.. Im a F A G G O T

About MySelf.. Hmm : I blow out my candles on the 16th of june :D, Im a JUNIOR, I play 1 instrument :3 French horn, Im generally happy all the time :p but when im mad >.> im a bit bitchy :/, Im a smiley whore o: watch out!! DX, umm... I constantly have mood swings... I hate modern music :| 1960-1980's is where its at, From what my friends tell me, i'm a really fun person, I love "Hanging out" with my friends (insider) if you want to know more about me, just send me a chat invite ;3

I love hate mail, keep sending <33


Hate mail TURNS ME ON

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