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Avatar sinds: 2007-08-20
Leeftijd: 33
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"33ans mère de 2 filles.en couple."

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Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
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*K* Rainbow Dance LightsDisco Dance Pod[OKB]Hot LATINA girl*A# basic white shorts[MP] Stripe
RS*Shayna-TrashBlondeRS*Fien-TrashBlondeWhite Butterflies! Autumn white black:: Fien Blond Black
~nau~LeekikiLove w/bootsJJ# Garden Home! Electro Skittles Spike(K) Techno Night ClubLOVE CLUB 7
New York Furnished ClubHot club+ 5 dances 30/pRave ClubClub with furniturespacer
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mon amour

My mom ...in real life lol :P thats why she gave my so many gift so dont try to used her to get gifts lol it wont work !!!lol...and if im saying that its because people b4 u tried lol ...aniwai i love you so much xoxoxox

That man must be tired of me! lol He's always listning ...well reading my problems and giving me advise,and he's always there when i need someone to ''talk'' well aniwai he's a really good and nice person thanks to be there 4 me :P your awesome =)

an other special person in my life this person is so amazing,nice and cool luv ya :P

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