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About me

Hello there and welcome to my page! My name is CaitheNivin (Spiegeltraene 'till end of March 2018) and I am 32 years old at the moment. I'm on imvu since 2007 and got this avatar here in march 2008.

I live in Germany, therefore I speak German and English. It's not the best, but I think it's good enough to have a normal conversation. At least I understand mostly everything. :D

Uhm.. what more... well, I love music, especially Two Steps From Hell or soundtracks in general. It inspires me a lot for my writing.

Feel free to send me a message, take my badge, browse my products or invite me to chat. The only thing I ignore is begging. ;)

Also, I'm not interested in RPs or more than just friendly chats.

Some general things

1.: I usually don't bite. So if you want to contact me feel free to do so. :)

2.: I don't like begging. If the only intention of inviting me is, to get gifts and/or credits I may change my opinion on 1. in that case.

3.: I actually DO accept random adds, but if we don't chat or I don't think we should chat more often after the first chat I will remove you as fast as I added you. Thats nothing personal though. :)

Long thing short

Age: 32

Location: Germany

Language: German / English

Mijn 'badges'
Verkrijg deze badge CaitheNivin
Verkrijg deze badge Caithe 2
Mijn Nieuwe Producten Alles bekijken
CN* Nivin Couch 3CN* Nivin Couch 2CN* Nivin Couch Set 1CN* Nivin CouchCN* Nivin ThroneCN* Bexley Raven

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