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Avatar sinds: 2006-01-03
Leeftijd: 38
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NEWS: I'm back, but I can't use the program at this moment. I'm using the library PCs but I will be around shortly. Thanks to everyone who waited. :D See you hopefully within a month!

Likes: Jesters, Sonic Team, Mario Characters, Vampire Hunter D, The Joker, Harley Quinn, Dreams, Tang, Pickles, Sheep, Rabbits/Bunnies, Drawings, Cartoons, Shurburt Icecreme.

Dislikes: Rude people, Smelly things, Stinky people, Falling off the bed, Crowded Metro Trains, Horrible Ring Tones, Mary-Sues, Most Fan-made characters, Almost ALL Fan-Fiction, Peas, Asparagus, Baby Shit Green.

Favorite Movie of all time is
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" The first
and last time Disney and Warner
Brothers would work together to create
such a fantastic film. Other, more recent
films, such as Space Jam just can't
match the original Toon Town form
Roger Rabbit. I laughed as a kid and I
laugh now that I'm older. Any age group can
enjoy this movie, and if you can't, then
you're as stubern as Eddie himself.
"Smile, Darn ya Smile!"

My Favorite game of all time is NiGHTS into Dreams. Sonic Team released it back in 1996 on to the Sega Saturn. The Satern was a flop due to the N64 and other systems. Many fans, Such as myself, wish for it's return someday. II don't wish a sequel as of now due to Sega's latest games being crap. (Sorry Die-Hard Sonic Fans. I'm an Old School Sonic Girl) I've ripped a clip from the Demo CD incase you would like a peek at the Ledgendary Saturn game, NiGHTS into Dreams.

It WAS on Sale... best place to find it now is eBay.

MJy second Favorite game would have to be Earthbound (Jap: Mother 2). If you've played Eathrbound then you'd understand how awesome of an RPG it is. Not your normal RPG, even though there are magic-like properties called PSI. Swards are replaced with yoyos and guns are waterfilled. I can't wait to play earth Bound 2 (Jap: Mother 3) below is a teaser trailer for Earth Bound featuring live people. The game is only for hendheld systems, which makes me upset. I hope a Earthbound would come to the next generation systems.

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friendly Vrienden 12
visitors Bezoekers 379
kharma Cadeaus 4
generosity Gulheid 22

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~M~ (Cat) SkyKairi Again - RageBlue Cat EyesKitten/fishbowl~M~ (C) Air
Cactus Dropmoon with starsTurtle Balloon - DarkYumi Copper MakeupMardi Gras Mask in Red
Oh Deer! (no ears)Angelic Pixel Kitten or.spacerspacerspacer
Mijn zandbak

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