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Avatar sinds: 2006-10-27
Age: 46 18+ leeftijd bevestigd Leeftijd Gecontroleerd
Verenigde Staten - CA
Laatst ingelogd op:

"Take what I give you and be glad"

See My Albums (5)

Relatie Status: Alleenstaand
Op zoek naar: Andere
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MatriarchicalOne doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
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Mijn vrienden (8)

I don't add people at random, I don't add people just to see how many I can get like some tweaked out popularity contest and I add noone who I havn't talked to before and who enjoy talking to. DO NOT send me a friend request if we havn't talked or if you have never visited my page. If you were on here and aren't any longer there is a reason.
~~~~Don't fuck with my friends...~~~~
My Recent Visitors (0)

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Most of these people took the time to find me, come to my page, see it...then leave rather than say anything.

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