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MintyKiwi heeft geen speciaal iemand.

Mijn verlanglijst

Name: Bianca T.T
Age: 18 [yesh I know my avie says 20 *gasp*]
Gender: Feminishal
Craving: Onion Rings
Likes: Tacos, Cupcakes, Noodles, Shiny Stuff, Furrys,
Crayons, Sporks, Rainbow, Evil Stuffies, ect.
Dislikes: Spiders
---Random Stuff---
Oh no, here comes the bicycle prostitue!
*ching ching*
Wanna get in my basket? *wink*

!BS! BlooM !W!!BS! SiGaiDi !B!!LOVE Sleep Outfit :V2:-XO- CheRRyL FullChristine Red
|AB|RED-BERIT!B! Eranthe Black[ps] Messy Bun[Q] Sweet cravat 3*glllllg*sexy small head
*PH* Dark-haired girlKIKI|WikiPinkBlackHair! Wayfarers FBones and Lace CrownSpin the Bottle
My Recent Visitors (0)
nom nom

My Stalkers <3

'A Normal Day With Steff [Rave]'

Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: ima human/furry
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: :D
MintyKiwi: :D
MintyKiwi: go ash :D
Guest_timoth13: you people are crazy
XxForbidden2LovexX: neko!
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: lolz
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: WOOO!
XxForbidden2LovexX: uuaaloop
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: hustle
MintyKiwi: we're not 'crazy' the term is mentaly insane 8D
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: WOOO!
Guest_emokitty388: lol
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: PELVIS THRUST!
MintyKiwi: but in a good way :DD
Guest_timoth13: no its mentaly rainbow
XxForbidden2LovexX: matt left wow o.o
MintyKiwi: god lord im in the food court
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: come on minty dance!
MintyKiwi: PARTY >8D
Guest_emokitty388: stephanie
Guest_timoth13: ok seriously y is there so much rainbow on you peps
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: lolz wat ?
Guest_emokitty388: mi cuz said ur sick and i laughed
XxForbidden2LovexX: raver ;o
Guest_emokitty388: lol
MintyKiwi: im making myself lag again :o
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: lolz
MintyKiwi: :D
MintyKiwi: :o
XxForbidden2LovexX: preps= eww Dx
Guest_emokitty388: lol
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: i knowz
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: MUSIC!
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: :O
MintyKiwi: because we like rainbows :o
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: :D
XxForbidden2LovexX: ppl easier ;o
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: YESH!
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: yesh
Guest_timoth13: what ever
MintyKiwi: and being so damn COLORFUL it BLINDS people >8D
Guest_timoth13: ya i noticed
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: and ish fun to blind them!
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: :D
XxForbidden2LovexX: when he leaves invite meh back e.e
MintyKiwi: yuppers like with hps ^^
XxForbidden2LovexX: baii e.e
MintyKiwi: okies :o
Guest_emokitty388: yay blinds ppl every where
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: :O
XxForbidden2LovexX has left the chat
Guest_timoth13: lol ya it blinds me too
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: NOOOO!
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: lolz mine ish bright i think idk i cant remember
MintyKiwi: its all part of the plan -> blind peoples then rape them xDD
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: >:D
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: YESH!
Guest_timoth13: omg i better put sunglasses on then
MintyKiwi: *rloop
MintyKiwi: x]
Guest_emokitty388: yay rapes stephanie
MintyKiwi: -rapes couch- 8D
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: :O
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: *whips chuu*
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: :D
MintyKiwi: :o
MintyKiwi: xD
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: xD
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: haha
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: for realz
Guest_emokitty388: XD
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: wtf is that!
MintyKiwi: chounch burger x]
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: hustle
Guest_timoth13: wow
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: STRIPPER!
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: >:D
MintyKiwi: who can hear my music 8D?
MintyKiwi: >:D
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: meh!
Guest_emokitty388: me
Guest_timoth13: i can
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: *raises hand high*
MintyKiwi: ever ever ever ever
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: :O
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: ever!
Guest_timoth13: lol wow
Guest_timoth13: FUCK NO
MintyKiwi: rainbow stripper >:D
MintyKiwi: uuaa
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: xD
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: hustle
Guest_timoth13: thats the best combo
Guest_Damien576 has joined the chat
MintyKiwi: you can always leave if it gets to much for you xD
MintyKiwi: lmao
Guest_timoth13: im good
MintyKiwi: we kick ass x]
Guest_Damien576: hewwo pplz=D
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: haha yesh!
MintyKiwi: haii :D
MintyKiwi: time to bring out the cupcakes >:D
Guest_timoth13: sup
Guest_emokitty388: hi
Guest_emokitty388: ello
MintyKiwi: SEX TOYZ 8D
Guest_timoth13: lool
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: WOOO SEX TOYS!
Guest_timoth13: SHROOMS
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: U MAKE MI PEE PEE HARD!
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: >:D
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: U MAKE MI PEE PEE HARD!
MintyKiwi: :o not shrooms 'cupcakes'
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: >:D
MintyKiwi: >8D
Guest_emokitty388: lol
MintyKiwi: hustle
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: haha
Guest_timoth13: they look like shrooms to me
MintyKiwi: wait it got the perfect outfit 8D
MintyKiwi: stripper 8D
Guest_timoth13: lol
MintyKiwi: tim can you hear the music?
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: u make mi pee pee hard!
Guest_PrettyRaveGirl911: xD
MintyKiwi: xD
Guest_timoth13: ya
Guest_Damien576 has left the chat
MintyKiwi: lols we scared damien x]
Guest_timoth13: lol ya


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