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Avatar sinds: 2007-01-21
Age: 52
Verenigd Koninkrijk
Laatst ingelogd op:

"Hi :D Happy to meet ya, but don\'t mess \'cos I\'m so hard I kick my own *** twice a day!!!"

Bekijk Mijn Albums (3)

Well I'm Kirk, I'm interested in anything I don't already know...which is lots!! I I've worked in the Energy industry for over 11 years but talking shop really bores the hell out of me. So aside from that I'm more interested in philosophy and its relationship with mythology and their impact on modern day sociological development ... and crisps, especially chunky ones!! I'm interested in meeting Sealions and Dolphins that have managed to overcome their handicap of using flippers on a key board, and finally, never loose your sense of humor, 'cos its the one thing that'll see you through any of life's trials!! Byez for now. (Oh yeh, I'm also know as the Shamanic Shaman .. but you'll have to chat to me to find out why :p) Nirvana - 04 - Man who sold the world (Unplugged)

Add to My Profile | More Videos Nirvana Live at the MTV Music Awards (1992) - Lithium

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You Are A Maple Tree
There's not anyone in this world quite like you.
You are full of imagination, ambition, and originality.
Shy but confident, you hunger for new experiences.
You have a good memory and learn easily.
You are sometimes nervous and always complex (especially in love).
Mijn verlanglijst
Predator StreamlinedDLUX Muscle Tribal TatsNinja mask blackBlack Flame Dragon Ver.2Holy Angel Silver Coat
T3 Romance FurnishedExec|S| Black and snow tipsspacerspacerspacer
Speciale persoon
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Mijn interesses
You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?



Diamond Eyes




Eyes full of Pain


What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
created with QuizFarm.com
Friends, cats, music, science, nature, space, philosophy, Cooking, Traveling, climbing, skiing, shamanism, chinesefood, LiFe!!, TheFuture, jungles, being happy, Countryside, learning about other cultures, MexicanSteak, EnvironmentalProtection
Mijn outfits View latest
My Room
Mijn standen
friendly Vrienden 4
visitors Bezoekers 60
kharma Cadeaus 7
generosity Gulheid 2


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