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Thanks for stopping by my page everyone. It means a lot to me, really. Everyday, I come to check my page, and I end up having 5 visitors a day. It gets exciting, and yet annoying. PLEASE, if you visit my page, leave a message. Tell me what you think of my page. Good, or bad? Awesome, or "IM BLIND!". I dont know what you think, so put your thoughts into words, and leave me a message. I know you want to..
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Really Really Good Friends... ~GreenGuestBoy~ ~~~LittleSweetLucifer~~~ ~tohotmandy~ ~~~~~~Lero~~~~~~ ~~Pinkkateyes~~ ~~~KrYsTaL74~~~ ~~~~~Diego181~~~~~ ~~~lipskisskimmy~~~ ~~~~ICONGUY~~~~ ~~~~britishcherry2~~~~ ~~~~~~acbarr~~~~~~ ~~~~Jackivertti~~~~ ~~~xLink420x~~~ ~~~TarnishedSoul~~~ ~~~~~Emilyuktwo~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~s0u1z~~~~~~~~ Thanks all of you for being friends, and "staying with the game" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Avatar sinds: 2005-12-18
Leeftijd: 38
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"Forgive, but dont Forget."

Bekijk Mijn Albums (1)

My wishlist is a list of things for me to buy. Gifts are welcome, but remember, you dont have to. So, please remember, you dont have to. Also, read under my wishlist box.

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