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Avatar since: 16-04-2007

Age: 49
United States - OH
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Kinky Furs with a Concience
To Join this Guild you must be at least 18 years of age! ADULTS ONLY!

Welcome to Rotten Furs, a guild for abnormally kinky Furries. These are not the typical Furry fans who simply love cartoons and movies depicting Anthropomorphic Animals. This is a Guild for Furs who enjoy a wide variety of fetishes, but are otherwise harmless.

It is not the intention of this group to corrupt or degrade the moral standing of the fandom we so love. We only wish to gather in peace with other gutter-minded furries to share in our common fetishes. Dangerous, Criminal, or Rude behavior within this group WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

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Mijn interesses

These are a few of the RottenFurs Club's interests. The Club's interests are not limited to those listed below. All fetishes are welcome!

kinky, gore, furry, Bi, straight, gay, torture, piercing, tattoos, Leather, submission, macro, latex, rubber, Domination, oral, transgender, spanking, tentacles, pregnancy, body modification, hypnotism
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Mijn verlanglijst
ML Diagnostics & ClonerReinaLove Nurse HospitalMed Lab X-Ray UnitPersonal X-RaySorrow Silver Angel Wing
Full Mechanical Hand (R)RustyTubeThe Avi EnergizerDungeon Pit- Green SlimeDCD BioGen Comp1 w/sound
Genetic Lab - BlueRaccoon LegsRaccoon TailAnim Death Bed of RosesAlien Specimen Tube
DCD BioGen RestrainerDungeon Pit- Lavaspacerspacerspacer

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