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HAI, I'm Sarah! Loving life, however taking each and every day as they come. About Me Blue eyes, Brown Hair, Freakishly Pale. - What can I say? I LOVE Emo/Scene/Rave style. You can't change that. I'm completely unco, with my style, yet I still trip over my own two feet soo :) I have alot of friends, whom can forever hold my trust. I absolutely adore having them :3 I HATE Rude, obnoxious, nasty, judgemental & ignorant people. They can do die in a hole :D :D :D :D :D <3 . DROP DEAD GORGEOUS .
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Mijn verlanglijst
Don't like my music? Piss off.

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PanDoRa*Zebra heels*HC* Simplicity OutfitWD::Decora Beads*L™ Layerable Tulle*L™ Hello, Ween | D1

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