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Welcome To my World Bitch

Age- I'm Grown

Locationn - The Big Apple

Last Log On - Why Pree ?

Imm Sinqlee

I'm All about thaa menn...Noo Ladiies

I Don't Beqq for Nuthinn; But if you wanna be qenerOus juss click di Send a Messaqee buttOn or sumthinqq.. LoL


Q: Can I have some credits ?

A: Nope.

Q: Gift Me ?

A: Mofo I ain't Santa Claus ._.

Q: Youu Nasttyy Hoee, Stop Writing My Man

A: Well Obviously he don't mind, because he writing me back right ? Oh OKAY

Q: Can I Be Apart of Your Family ?

A: It depends .. We'll see.

Important People in my lifee:

Btw' Add My Other Account ; iJamaicanSwaqq

Immm Tanyaaa ...aka Tanii. I wass born in Kingston Jamaicaa On March 21st. I'm crazy, loveable & a freak >:D Any Questions ? Message Away

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

To Do List

- Buy Name☑

- Become VIP☑

- Get AP☒( ☑ on iJamaicanSwaqq account ]

- Buy Out Wishlist☑

- Change Imvu Name☑

Checkk Outt mahh New Products .. rOqer that !


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