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Avatar sinds: 2006-11-22
Leeftijd: 36
Verenigde Staten - OH
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"Purr!!! Come closer I\'m hungry"

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What Kind of Assassin Are You?

Impersonal Catalyst - You don't like to get your hands dirty, so instead of actually killing people, you 'arrange' for them to die. Perhaps you prefer to take your targets from far off with a sniper rifle. Perhaps you favor explosives, 'accidents', poisons, or accomplices - you may be a techie, who assists others without doing the actual murder. Either way, you are the faceless cypher who plays chess with the lives of others. Not only are you higher on the intelligence spectrum than many of your co-workers, you've got a much smaller chance of ever being caught.
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What colour of wolf are you?

Black WolfYou are a black wolf. Black wolves are completely in their element at night, which is the time nobody can see them. Many people think youre very mysterious and beautiful, but you seem to not notice it, or just dont want to. Sometimes you can be a little pessimistic, but when its needed you succeed in almost everything you try.
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TwilightKittie heeft geen speciaal iemand.
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GothicLoveArmband RIGHTTears Gothic AvitarRed/Black TattoosBloodline:Cavalier BlackDemon Tiger
Pythagoras in BlackWeb top with sleevesBlack Lace PantsTwilight Strippy TopAsimatric Asia L-Skirt
[V4NY] Elisa black/Red SCustom Female NinjaBlack Cat OutfitForsaken SamuraiGothicLove Armband LEFT
stormie casual outfiteternity in your eyesonyxwolf2005spacerspacer
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friendly Vrienden 8
visitors Bezoekers 233
kharma Cadeaus 5
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