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Avatar sinds: 2007-12-06
Leeftijd: 34
Verenigde Staten - OH
Laatst ingelogd op:

"Yes Life Is Hard But How About Death?"

Bekijk Mijn Albums (1)

Name: Ashley

Nickname: Kiki

Age: 18

Brithday: May 24

Lives:United States

Used To Live:United Kingdom (U.K.)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color:Green

Loves: Anime,Video
Games,Pocky,cookies,Manga,Music, and Yaoi(Dont Think Im a Perv)

Hates: Lairers,Cheaters,People Who Smell, And People Who SAY They Hate Anime

BFFs (Online Or In Real Life): Guest_JadeTatlin,Guest_TheLastProtector,lewan,Guest_PrincessKairi09,Guest_GlamXD,and Khronox

BF: None

Watched Anime: Naruto,DN Angel,Ranma,GalaxyAngel,Bleach,Chobits,Death Note,Fruits Basket,Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya,FMA,Card Captor Sakura,Holows Moving Castle,Sprited Away,And The Cat Retrunds,NaNa Seven Of Seven,Elfen Lied,and Hare+Guu Pew! :3

Read Manga:Bleach,Kingdom Hearts,Inu-Yaha,D.Gary-Man,Death Note,And Pita-Ten

Played Video Games: Kingdom Hearts,Final Fantasy,Dead Or Alive,Odin Sphere,Sims 2,Tales Of Legendia,Dragon Quest VII,Guitar Hero One And Two,Ratchet And Clank,Shadow Of The Colossus,And Scurge Hive

Fav Music(So Dont Ask Me Plez):Natasha Bedingfield,Kozi,Panic! at the Disco,Weird Al Yankovich,Gwen Stefani,My Chemical Romance,Utada Hikaru,And Nelly Furtado

Fav Movies: Rush Hour 3,I Am Legan, and School of Rock

Fav Charaters: Riku,Namine(KH),Rikku,Yuna(FFX-2),Yuffie,Vincent(FFVII),Mint,Ranpha(Galaxy Angels),Freya,Yuzuki(Chobits),L(Death Note),Rukia(Bleach),Kgome(Inu-Yasha)
and Sasuke(Naruto) ^_^

Q. and A's

Add me: Sorry I must chat with you first befor i can add you

Do you like anime: Hell yeah

I love your hp (not a question but i put it ^^): Thankies! ^^

Will you join my group: Ok, but i have to see it first


Relatie Status: Alleenstaand
Op zoek naar: Vriendschap
Speciale persoon
I <3 Me ^_^
She's my BFF sine I started here on IMVU she has always helped me and when im bored i know that i can talk 2 her 2 brighten up my DAY and she one crazy peson BFFs Jade! ^_^
He's A Really Nice Guy And I Always Love Chatting With Him ^_^
Mijn verlanglijst
Cursor by EGO BOX
NekoBraces in Blue (Def.) FFemale Super Avatar!Adorkable NameTagKeytar Poses MF
x:K.E:x 30¢ Hooker Tails` SCREAM!Chocolate Pockyspacerspacer
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