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Avatar sinds: 2005-12-07
Age: 39
Verenigde Staten - IL
Laatst ingelogd op:

"read my profile before talking to me"

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About me:
*achem* other than that HI!!! my name is kady i'm a very sweet lovable person as long as you have me in a straight jacket and a muzzle. (hehe) when i get angry (which can happen at any random time for any random reason) i do have the tendancy to scream, yell, push, slap, punch, scratch, bite, and stab. NO SHOOTING THOUGH! because i don't belive in guns hah! come chat with me whenever you like i will be polite as long as you will that means to virtual touching with out my permission (hand shakes and other such greetings are fine but NO HUGS!!) don't ask me about my breasts or my sex life the first time you talk to me or else i will just leave m'kay? got all that? any questions? to bad i wont answer!!!! this is where my prfile ends send me an im and enjoy my company ta!
this is i and again i lick lizards.... i like cats! i guess i look ok in this pic.. am i naughty or am i nice? why do i like girls? because they have boobs!!! oooo look at my sexy wet hair
its true! aren't i so cute?
Who I'd like to meet:

Mijn standen
friendly Vrienden 5
visitors Bezoekers 439
kharma Cadeaus 4
generosity Gulheid 35

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