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There was more to this quiz...but I dunno where it went
a big, long survey
Full Name::Johnny B Bad
Birthday::::screams "stalker!!" and runs off
Birthplace::Nowhere you've heard of...
Eye Color::Last time I tried to look at my own eyes, I got confused and passed out
Hair Color::I dunno anymore, it always changes
Weight::ranges from 160-180 (ugh)
Right handed or Left handed?:.> uummm...
Your Heritage::...honestly, it would take me a loooong time to pick apart my heritage
My Worst Habit::I'm too good to have bad habits! (that was a hint)
Zodiac Sign::Sagittarius (If thats how its spelled)
Shoe Size::12 1/2
Pants Size::33/34
Innie or Outie?:That sounds dirty...
Parents Still Together?:Nope
The Shoes You Wore Today::Dude, thats honestly the most irrelevant question you could ask...
Your Weakness::Women (and food)
Your Fears::HA! like I'd tell ya
Your Perfect Pizza::Perperoni and tons of extra cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year::...what's a goal??
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger:either lol or ...
Thoughts First Waking Up::dude...you need a job...
Your Best Physical Feature::...can i say that on here? (I'm kidding...maybe)
Your Bedtime::5:00 A.M.
Your Most Missed Memory::Any memory of my Gramma
Favorite color?:Why bother picking a favorite color??
Food?:Pizza, hands down
Sport?:American Football
Animal?:Cats and Dogs
Ice Cream?:Amaretto (yeah, I know what it really is)
Candy?:...thats a tough one
Store?:Any mall
Salad Dressing?:Ranch
Actor?:Pierce Brosnan
Song?:It changes every day
Letter?:That's now officially the stupidest question you've asked me...
Number?:nevermind, this is the stupidest question you've asked me...
Gum?:...wow, you keep topping yourself...
Holiday?:St. Patrick's Day (Don't judge me)
Toothpaste Flavor?:The stupid questions just keep flowing, eh?
Radio Station?:Too many to chose from
Scent besides perfume?:Vanilla. Seriously
Body part on the opposite sex?:I am not specific to any one part. (wink wink)
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?:Many things
How Do You Want To Die?:...I don't know about you, but I really don't "want" to die
Turn ons::Classy women
Turn offs::Trashy women
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?:...never really thought about it
Who's The Loudest?:Me
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?:Me
Who Have You Known The Longest?:Me
Who's The Shyist?:...I dunno...
When Have You Cried The Most?:When my gramma died (sshhhh)
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?:Without breaking substance abuse laws? Eating a donut
Worst Feeling?:Breaking too many substance abuse laws at once
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?:Japan
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?:I'd make me smarter
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?:Long enough...
Let's walk on the:beach
Let's look at the:ocean (i love the ocean)
What a nice:car!
Where did all the:respectable women go?
Why can't we:all get along...unless you start talking about my mom...
Silly, little:quiz
Isn't it weird that:people complain about G.W. Bush, but they elect him to a second term?
Never under any circumstance:should you use drugs
I wish:all the idiots would shut up
Everyone has a:dream, no matter how big and unattainable it may be
I am:...getting bored
Been In Love?:Yes
Been To Juvie?:well, not exactly
Mooned Someone?:...muahahahaha
Been Rejected?:yep
Ran Away From Home?:yep
Pictured Your Crush Naked?:I tried to make up a smart-ass answer...but I got distracted...
Skipped School?:yep
Thought About Suicide?:yep
Slept Outside?:nope
Laughed So Hard You Cried?:yep, all the time
Cried In School?:yep
Thrown Up In School?:...ugh...
Wanted To Be a Model?:.>
Cheated On Someone?:never have, never will
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?:Many times
Seen A Dead Body?:Next question
Been Bitched Out?:...too often
Drank Alcohol?:yep
Been On Drugs?:nope
Eaten Sushi?:yep
Been On Stage?:yep
Gone Skinny Dipping?:...hehehe
Been Drunk?:yep
Been Called A Tease?:...does that apply to me??
Been Beaten Up?:...yes
Sing Well?:no way
Shower Daily?:DUH!
Want To Go To College?:yep
Want To Get Married?:yep
Believe In Yourself?:sorta
Get Motion Sickness?:not that i know of
Think You Are Attractive?:somewhat
Get Along With Your Parents?:usually
Like Thunderstorms?:Love 'em
Play An Instrument?:I've tried 8 or 9...no luck yet
Own An IPOD?:nope
Go To Church?:not as often as i ought to
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?:.................yeah (if you tell anybody...)
Keep A Journal/Diary?:nope
Dance In The Rain?:No, but I love to chill out while it's raining...
Sing In The Shower?:Yep
Pepsi or Coke?:Cheap, off-brand cream soda
McDonald's or Burger King?:BK anyday
Single or Group Dates?:A date's a date
Chocolate or Vanilla?:vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries?:Blawberries
Meat or Veggies?:Meat!
TV or Movie?:Movies
Guitar or Drums?:Guitar
Adidas or Nike?:Nike
Chinese or Mexican?:Mexican
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?:Special K
Cake or Pie?:Pie
MTV or VH1?:Cartoon Network
Blind or Deaf?:neither, you crackhead
Boxers or Briefs?:Boxers
Do The Splits?:nope
write With Both Hands?:nope
MONEY, music, animals, Computers, CARS, sagittarius, United States - TX, Women, anything that blows up
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Avatar sinds: 2006-07-21
Age: 35
Verenigde Staten - TX
Laatst ingelogd op:

"What\'s up??"

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Hey, people!
My name is Shaun.
I live just outside of Dallas, Tx.
I'm pretty much just here for friendship, and I don't really want to mess with any drama.
At the moment, I'm in college, but I'm thinking very hard about flipping over to cosmetology school so I can be a licensed cosmetologist (yeah, ya heard that right).
I'm usually a calm, laid back dude, and I'm usually sarcastic and cynical (just to give you fair warning).
So, anyways, if you're lookin for a no-frills friend (if helps if you're a cute girl =D. Lol), send me a message and maybe we can chat sometime. K?
Have a great day!
Relatie Status: Alleenstaand
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