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Avatar sinds: 2006-01-02
Leeftijd: 48
Verenigde Staten - UT
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"Hey how's it going?"

Bekijk Mijn Albums (1)

About me:
I am a huge Sooner fan if you can't tell. Not a fair weather Sooner either... I have been a loyal fan since 1986. I like to joke around alot and I am easy going. Feel like I am 20 years older than I am. I am pretty active unless there is a College Football game on then the only activity comming from me is running to the fridge for another beer. I like to watch and play Poker with my buddies. I hate the cold so I am retarted I guess because I moved to Utah from Oklahoma.

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Who I'd like to meet:
Anyone nice or anyone who can do HTML. It only took me 3 hours to put 2 pictures on here. Man if I keep up this pace I will have my page done by New Years ( 2010 )
   soonerfan4life's Interests
Let's see this is a tough one...... There's College Football, Pro Football, High School Football, Football on X-Box, Football on PS2, playing football in the backyard, reading football magazines, watching football highlights on ESPN, reading about football on USA Today, betting on Football.... and that's about it.
I Like A LiTlE bIt Of EvErYtHiNg.
Eazy-E - Only If You Want It (Clean)
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Tommy Boy, Dumb and Dumber, Forrest Gump, the Girls Gone Wild Collection, and Twister
Yes I have 3 of them. And they are all color!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like Dumbo, Three Little Pigs, and my favorite is my checkbook. Money goes away but you can always just write a check.
That's a tough one...... I would have to say my biggest hero is the guy who invented Budweiser. ** Eight beers later** Wait lete, mee thenk.... yepp thatss it the budwiser guye and thaat guyy who invinted the toilett
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friendly Vrienden 2
visitors Bezoekers 124
kharma Cadeaus 6
generosity Gulheid 89


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